
During this time of uncertainty, there is absolutely something every single person should be concerned about. Their health. While not completely in your own control, it is something you can take care of during this time. Be sure to be extra careful to wash your hands multiple times a day. Disinfect common surfaces at least once a day. When there isn’t much else to do around the house, you can definitely be focused on your health.

Most people are choosing to go for frozen and canned food during this crazy time. And this is fine for stocking up for an easy meal. But you should consider buying fresh produce and making a homemade meal from scratch. You finally have the time for it. And it is so much better for your immune system during this time. Food is something people with ostomies really have to be careful about. Different foods can change the size, shape, color, and odor of your stool. You can get pretty creative at home and try foods you’ve been too nervous to try before. You aren’t very far from a shower or bathroom if you need it!

You should do things to stay productive during this time. Do not take your health for granted just because you are inside your own home and what you are doing does not affect other people. It could get really easy to slip into lazy habits. With an ostomy, you cannot do that. You have to keep your normal routine, or even try to refine it more during this time of infection. Infections can easily spread into your stoma since it is technically an open wound.

During this time make sure you are stocking up on a few weeks worth of Hollister ostomy supplies. While medical shipping is labeled as essential, it is uncertain what will happen in the coming weeks. Hollister ostomy supplies are prepared for orders and serving their patients. It might even be worth purchasing a few extra supplies that you are not normally accustomed to purchasing. Maybe you can try out new products to see how they work for you while you are in the comfort of your own home.

The lesson we should all be learning during this time is to take care of our bodies. We need to recognize what we are putting in it and what we are doing on the outside to protect ourselves. Try a little exercise. Try cooking a few made-from-scratch meals a week. And definitely be keeping up with your ostomy cleanings.

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