Thursday, 26 March 2020

Getting your Supplies

Right now, we’re living in an unprecedented time in modern history. While a lot of people seem to understand the urgency of the current pandemic situation, there is still a huge chunk of people who aren’t taking it seriously enough, which is an unfortunate situation to find ourselves in as a species.

Now, I could go on and on about what the implications of this whole situation happen to be. Instead, I’m choosing to look at the good it can bring to the world and how we’re going to recuperate as a planet (and not just as a nation). The obvious things sticking out about this pandemic are the deaths it has and will cause and the major impact it’s had on the economy.

But what about the future of our healthcare system? What about how things operate from here on out? I’ve got a few people in my life that will be impacted (for the better!) by this thing, and it’s only beginning to ramp up. You see, things like Hollister ostomy supplies currently can make a few people wonder why prices are set as they are. Luckily, brands like that have made the highest quality supplies available, and people who are on good health insurance plans don’t see the costs as they are.

Nonetheless, there are others who aren’t so lucky with their health insurance situations, which means they aren’t as lucky to see “nothing” on their bill whenever they visit their ostomy specialist. And so after this whole thing pans out, I truly believe a lot of healthcare will be shifted in favor of a more regulated system where lower-income individuals can afford not only the healthcare they need but also the supplies and medicines that are unique to their situations. So no matter how much you feel like you’re in desperate need of things like insulin, Hollister ostomy supplies, or other basic prescribed medicines and supplies, you should be covered in the long run.

It’s stuff like this pandemic that should bring our species together in solidarity rather than push us apart, like we’ve been doing to one another for the past century. I’m excited for the change that will be enacted once this all passes over, because the current state of the world definitely does need overhauled for the better of everyone, not just the top few. And when we come together to realize that, real change happens to pull us all up.

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